Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 13-15 Renee, Sara, Leah & Jeremy's visit

While Marc was away at SERVE for a week with his youth,  Renee decided to spend some time with her sister in Ottawa.  On her way back they spent 2 nights at our place.
The first morning we picked up Kelly-Lynn & Erin and took the 5 kids to the splash pad in Trenton.
Leah, Erin & Sara

The water is ice cold, so once in a while it was warm up time.

Kelly-Lynn was an awesome babysitter for Jeremy.  
He loved it after he figured out what was going on.  
Jeremy's hat was forgotten, so he had to wear one of ours. 
A little big, but he still looked super cute.

Lots of pictures of Kelly-Lynn & Jeremy.
The other kids were like lightning.
When I got to them with the camera, they were already at the other end of the splashpad.

Sara watching her little brother.

Quite amazing.
All of them posing for a picture.
Jeremy, Kelly-Lynn, Erin, Sara & Leah.

A snack of cherries before going to the playground to warm up.

There's a reason why they're called 'monkey bars'. lol.

Didn't take long for Jeremy to get the hang of it also.
Kelly-Lynn still watching out for him.

Jeremy is up to something.

Sara & Erin were the best of buddies.
All the kids were playing great together. 

These two kept posing for pictures.

Erin is starting to stare.  She'll probably crash on the way home in the car as she often does.
Still posing. 
These two never want their picture taken, so I kept shooting.

Jeremy looking at hundreds of seagulls in the next field.
Definitely pretty cute.

Leah & Kelly-Lynn

After we were finished at the splash pad and playground, we took them to the 
dollarama and they could each pick out one treat.
Then off to McDonalds for supper.
A great day. 
This little shirt was brought back from S. Africa.
The hat looks so adorable on him.

I think that's his way of saying "no more pictures grandma".

Brother and sister.  Jeremy and Sara.
I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
Just as I was ready to take a shot of his dirty face, Renee had cleaned him, so she smeared
the berries all over his face again.
Does make for a much better picture.  He didn't mind at all.

Leah with her beautiful smile.

Took Sara a while to master this one, but she got it.
While Renee was packing to go home, I took the kids outside to pick Alpine currants.

After a taste, Jeremy started  picking.

Sara got quite the handful.  They are very small.
A treat to get them before the birds do.

Leah loves flowers and animals. 


  1. Wow! Super cute pictures!! We can't get over how much Erin has changed - she's so grown up.

    See you in a few weeks at camping!!

    Michael & Season

  2. Lots of great pictures, Mom! Love all the smiles:) The kids loved seeing their cousins!

  3. love the pictures of me and jeremy soo cute and erin looks a little cross eyed but she didn't have her glasses on so thats okay love kelly-lynn<3
