Friday, July 1, 2011

April 22, 2011 Easter Weekend (Day 1)

Northern Flicker

Easter Weekend was a busy, but very enjoyable one.  Because I was in the midst of an extremely busy  tax season, the kids had decided to do all the cooking while they were here.  Food was also brought or bought here. I sure was spoiled. I really did not do anything--except spend time with the grandkids.     
The weekend started with the Sarnia Hoogies coming on the 22nd.  The next day the Hamilton Hoogies arrived.   Michael and Season with their family couldn't make it.  They were missed a lot.  The Galt family spent most of the weekend with us also.     

Arlene came down again to take pictures of Marc, Renee and family.
They wanted a large one for above their fireplace. 
This one was a cute shot before Marc joined them.   
Arianna is reading to Sara and Leah.

The family picture was taken indoors and well as in the back of our house.
Jeremy is not quite sure what to make of it all.
Arlene and Jeremy.
After the pictures, we decided to take a walk in the back 40. 
Sara and Leah found some Easter eggs left by the Easter bunny.
Trying to use a sheet as a wrap to carry Jeremy in. 
Didn't work out very well. 
Leah posing for me. 
Her hands never came out of her pockets during the whole walk.
Another beautiful pose by Sara.
Quite happy to get this one.  She doesn't  usually like to pose.
Jeremy loved the walk.
Creek crossing made for some great entertainment and pictures.
Everyone managed to stay dry.

Leah, still with her hands in her pockets. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow what beautiful nature pictures! The grandchildren look like they just love it at your place!
