Wednesday, July 13, 2011

June 13-16 A Visit from Micah, Rachel & Danielle

We left Hamilton first thing Monday morning and took the 3 kids home after spending the weekend with our far away kids.  They had never been to the Big Apple, so that was our third stop.
First two were pee breaks.
We were not able to climb this big apple, the doors were locked. 

The kids were thrilled to be here.

The mini golf was a huge success.  They thought it was a maze.

Feeding the animals.  Lucky Amy gave along a bag of fruit loops for the kids, so we didn't have to spend quarter after quarter on food for the animals. 

None of the kids were brave enough to feed the animals.  Only if I held their hands.
We saw a chip truck and decided it was much easier to eat there.  I ordered one extra large  fries, and that was more than enough for all 5 of us.  
Soon as any grandchild visits, they scoot downstairs to the dress-up clothes.
Danielle is looking pretty cool with her bonnet and guitar.

Kitchen table is usually covered with crafts.

ATV rides is a must at our house.  The kids had to check out the new bridges.  Danielle was the last one to get a turn and she was heart broken, but....the following day she was the first one to get a turn and all was well.  

Micah walking around with his blankie on his head, and Danielle still in the groove. 
Oh, Yeah

Rachel wanted to be a princess, and needed help making a crown.  
They all loved corn-on-the-cob.

Rachel had 3 pieces. 

Kelly-Lynn & Erin were taken out of school for the afternoon, so
they could spend some time playing with their cousins.

Kelly-Lynn & Micah.
Erin showing off the clock she made.
She tried to teach Rachel, but was too difficult.

Dress-up time again.
Baltimore Oriole with some grape jelly in his beak.

A male and female finch.


Butterfly flower growing in the field. 
Bunny in  our back yard.
Lily I got for my birthday from my dad a few years ago.


Orange California Poppies with blue Pansies.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like lots of fun:) Thanks again - it was a very productive time for their parents, as well!! The kids are still talking about all the fun things they did.
