The kids were thrilled to be here. |
The mini golf was a huge success. They thought it was a maze. |
Feeding the animals. Lucky Amy gave along a bag of fruit loops for the kids, so we didn't have to spend quarter after quarter on food for the animals. |
Soon as any grandchild visits, they scoot downstairs to the dress-up clothes. Danielle is looking pretty cool with her bonnet and guitar. |
Kitchen table is usually covered with crafts. |
Micah walking around with his blankie on his head, and Danielle still in the groove. |
Oh, Yeah |
Rachel wanted to be a princess, and needed help making a crown. |
They all loved corn-on-the-cob. |
Rachel had 3 pieces. |
Kelly-Lynn & Erin were taken out of school for the afternoon, so they could spend some time playing with their cousins. |
Kelly-Lynn & Micah. |
Erin showing off the clock she made. She tried to teach Rachel, but was too difficult. |
Dress-up time again. |
Baltimore Oriole with some grape jelly in his beak. |
A male and female finch. |
Hummingbird. |
Butterfly flower growing in the field. |
Bunny in our back yard. |
Lily I got for my birthday from my dad a few years ago. |
Colombine. |
Orange California Poppies with blue Pansies. |
Looks like lots of fun:) Thanks again - it was a very productive time for their parents, as well!! The kids are still talking about all the fun things they did.