Monday, July 11, 2011

June 8, 2011 Logging & Bridge Building

In January we had some logging done in our back 40. 
A lot of trees were cut and sold, but many cut down trees were left for Marcel for the shop
 for his woodstove.

As a result of the logging, we now have some awesome wide roads in the back.
Unfortunately, with it also came some very muddy areas, unable for the ATV to get through to bring some firewood back to the house.  

Another challenge for Marcel.
He decided to build 2 bridges for the ATV to get across the muddy area.

Doug came down on several occasions to give Marcel a hand. 
He's always willing to help when he's asked.
Thank you sooo much.
Definitely is a two man job.
This picture clearly shows all the mud in the foreground.

First some trees were cut down, and then laid in the mud for supports for the bridge.

The boardwalk is next.
This bridge is 75' long, and 6 ' wide.
Not really helping much.  Just a Kodak moment. lol.
Inspecting the length.
We were able to get most of the wood for free.  But along with the used free lumber came nails and screws that needed to come out first.
Teresa had 1/2 day off work, and also came to help.

Loading the small trailer with the lumber.

This is the second bridge.
Built across one of the creeks.
It is only 35 ' long.


  1. Wow, what a big job! Looks fantastic, though! This will make ATVing much more enjoyable:)

  2. These are really good pictures, and thank you very much for the bent over shots, I'm really happy I didn't have plumbers butt!!! LOL
