Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept 13, 2010 Visit to Marianne & Opa's canoe

I dropped in on my niece Marianne for tea in the morning. Brianna was at JK full time, so missed seeing her. We had a lovely time chatting and watching Kristen sneak a cookie or two.

Kristen eyeing the cookies in front of her.

Looking so cute.

She's quite the ham. Here she looks a bit like Jelayna. Arlene & Aaron's dtr. Same smirk.

After eyeing the cooking for about 5 minutes, she decided to go for it.

Autumn took a while to warm up to me. She safely stayed with her mom.

I did get some pretty adorable smiles from her. By the time I left, she came right up to me and started telling stories. We'll have to do the visit thing again Marianne.

In the afternoon, Opa & Brian came by from picking up the canoe, trailer, life jackets and oars they bought. Marcel was assigned to make some kind of steps to attach to the canoe so that Opa can get in and out. Opa needs steps about 2-3 feet wide with handles to hold on to. Marcel has no idea how to go about that...yet. He's going to check out steps for a swimming pool before he attempts to design and make one. Good luck on that one.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures of Marianne's little girls! The cutest smiles!
    Don't worry about the steps ... Marcel loves a challenge! lol
    Love Janice & Paul
