Tuesday, September 7, 2010

July 31, 2010 Zach's 3rd (early) & Alanna's (late) Birthday Party

Zachary's birthday was celebrated early. We were all camping on this actual birthday Aug. 8Th.
Alanna's birthday was 6 months ago when Season was in the hospital. They never had a party for her.

This turtle was rescued crossing the road. They adopted it and he now lives in their swimming pool.

Zach loves any sport.

Two amazing birthday cakes. Both were decorated by Season and Jasmine. Alanna's butterfly cake was saved and brought to Sarnia the next day for the baptism of Jeremy. The leftover bottom half was re-decorated and brought to Toronto for a BBQ birthday celebration for my dad's 86Th the next day. We got mileage out of that cake. Three celebrations in one weekend.

Zach, Braden & Alanna taking out the sparklers.

A lot of grandparents...and lots of presents.


Zach looking soo innocent!

Zach copying his big brother.

A birthday gift.

Michael getting a toy parachute out of the tree!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such a fun day! I love the cake story! Love Janice & Paul
