Friday, September 24, 2010

Sept. 22, 2010 50 years in Canada

This picture was taken as we boarded the plane Sept 22, 1960 when we left Holland to immigrate to Canada.  We arrived in Montreal the next day on the 23rd.  All immigrant families had their pictures taken by an airport photographer. It was mailed to us at a later date by a family member. I remember getting a new dress and shoes for the big trip. Also remember getting half an orange every day in Holland after immigration plans were made. As a rule if it didn't grow on our or a relatives fruit tree, we didn't get it. Oranges were not in the budget. So that was quite the treat.
The earlier immigrants received  amd were allowed to take $100.00 per person to Camada, so the rest was spent.

Mom and Dad thought they would never see their parents or siblings again. It was very difficult for mom, she cried a lot, especially on the way to the airport in the bus. Dad was bus driver in Holland and his partner drove us to the airport.

It was a 12 hour flight to Montreal, followed by a train trip to Belleville. We were sponsored by the Christian Reformed Church in Belleville and their pastor met us at the train station as well as my uncle Evert.  My first memory of  Canada was that as soon as we arrived at my Aunt & Uncle's place I had to go to bed with broad daylight...because I threw up in the train/plane.  I resent that to this day. lol.
We stayed with my Uncle Evert & Aunt Fay for 6 weeks.  This was their house.  This picture was taken several years later.  It has Mom & Dad, my Opoe & Opa Ekkel, Aunt Fay & Uncle Evert & Uncle John & Aunt Ria. My aunt Fay was expecting their third child Jeffrey at the time when we stayed with them.   Wow, taking in a family of seven.  Dad's first job in Canada was plastering. 

Our crate with all our belongings took a detour to Chicago in error. We waited at least 6 wks for that to get re-routed. Not sure if we had our crate yet, but remember that everyone lent us things when we moved to an upstairs apt. in Belleville. We lived there for 6 months before moving to Toronto where dad had a full time job offer.

Willy, Jeffrey & Alan Fledderus.  Taken about a year after we immigrated.

50 yrs later, we spent the day together as a family. 
Arlene (our photographer) was kind enough to take some great shots of all of us. 

We tried to duplicate the original pose (top picture) when we boarded the plane, but it was not easy. Henny sucking her fingers, Jennie with her mouth open, Immy with her hand on Jennie's shoulder and holding Henny's hand. Herman looking off to the side. Dad was looking behind him at the plane. He tried to do that on this pose, but his neck wouldn't turn any further. We had a lot of fun.
We really missed our mom that day, especially when we were posing for this picture.  She would have enjoyed some of the stories we shared.  Mom had an amazing memory for important things,  and would have remembered details a little better than we did.

We started the day with a great breakfast of pea meal bacon, sausages, eggs and home fries. Great job Immy. Then went outdoors for some pictures. 

The place was full of poison ivy, so we had to look for a clear spot. Some of us ended up on the ground.

These pictures are taken in Peter and Immy's backyard in the bush, surrounded by mountains of different piles of metals and misc. items from the mission store. The chairs in the picture below also came from one of the mounds. It didn't take long for Jenny and Brian to check out the treasures. 

Arlene is trying to decide where to put everyone. Three of us had red shirts on. Sorry Arlene.

Uncle Herman and Arlene.

Naturally, I had to sneak one in.

In the evening we had a two hour meal at The Gables in Brighton.

All in all, we had a great day. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept 19, 2010 Marcel's 63rd birthday weekend

A very busy but enjoyable birthday weekend. A total of 19 visitors. All at different times, so the cake kept coming and coming and coming. The Galt family brought this one.

The Galt family came down after they had been 4 wheeling all weekend. They went North of Bancroft and drove 318 k. The weather was perfect. They took their two youngest.

The big attraction that weekend was the new ATV, other than Marcel of course.
Everyone who came had to go for a spin. Didn't take Peter long.

Herman was a good sport and let me take him for a spin..he wasn't too impressed. Not sure what he's telling Immy here. lol

Immy had no problems. She is very adventurous.

Erin showing off her new helmet they bought her for the big ATV weekend.

She just loves it.

Kelly-Lynn and Grandpa deciding where to go.

They decided the back 40. So on with the helmets. Finally. Marcel also decided that we really should get helmets and insurance.
We got one helmet from Peter, so now one for me yet.

Brenda getting instructions how to drive. She's 16 but does not have her driving license...yet.

Once Brenda got the hang of it, we actually had to summon her to come back. She loved it and took KL over all the bumps on the lawn.

Teresa's turn. She also decided to check out the back 40. She's a pro after their great trip. She never wants to be a passenger again.
Marcel and I went for another ride in the back after everyone left. Took the snips and cut all the branches down that were in the paths. I drove, while Marcel worked. A great arrangement.

I had to sneak in these gorgeous blue morning glories.

Frank, Ann, Ken and Carla also came down for Marcel's birthday.
Frank looks a little boos here...not sure what he's getting himself into. Notice how the helmet is getting getting a little closer to Marcel's head. The black box Marcel put on the front is to carry the chainsaw and gasoline when he starts to cut wood in the back 40.

Foot rest for the passenger also were make.

Carla trying out the seat, but did not go for a spin.

Ann getting ready for a wild ride.

This picture says is all.

John & Sonya Bontius' beautiful girls. Chocolate bar sales.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept 13, 2010 Visit to Marianne & Opa's canoe

I dropped in on my niece Marianne for tea in the morning. Brianna was at JK full time, so missed seeing her. We had a lovely time chatting and watching Kristen sneak a cookie or two.

Kristen eyeing the cookies in front of her.

Looking so cute.

She's quite the ham. Here she looks a bit like Jelayna. Arlene & Aaron's dtr. Same smirk.

After eyeing the cooking for about 5 minutes, she decided to go for it.

Autumn took a while to warm up to me. She safely stayed with her mom.

I did get some pretty adorable smiles from her. By the time I left, she came right up to me and started telling stories. We'll have to do the visit thing again Marianne.

In the afternoon, Opa & Brian came by from picking up the canoe, trailer, life jackets and oars they bought. Marcel was assigned to make some kind of steps to attach to the canoe so that Opa can get in and out. Opa needs steps about 2-3 feet wide with handles to hold on to. Marcel has no idea how to go about that...yet. He's going to check out steps for a swimming pool before he attempts to design and make one. Good luck on that one.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sept ll, 2010 Marcel's early birthday present.

A new toy for Marcel. Sunday afternoon we went for a ride in the back 40. No helmets and no insurance. Neither is I'm told. It was fun though. While in the back on our property, 2 ATVs and 2 dirt bikes passed us. Hmm. They did make some awesome trails though. Getting to the trails was quite the challenge. Marcel had to stand up a few times to look over the weeds. lol. And...had to duck through acres of branches. They will all be trimmed...eventually. It was not easy finding the original paths we made. And I never seen sooo much poison ivy. Marcel persuaded me to take it for a spin in the front, and I did. A fun afternoon.

A few tense moments (for me anyway) getting the beast off the truck.

Teresa asked if we were interested in 4 wheeling this weekend. A few couples are going. Trail starts in Brighton and ends North of Bancroft. From Fri-Sun. Not quite ready for that yet. But tempting.

Sept 11, 2010 Kelly-Lynn & Erin's Soccer Finals

Saturday were the finals. Kelly-Lynn 's team came in 2nd. Not sure where Erin's team ended up, but they all received a medal. That's all that matters to her.

Some great action shots of Kelly-Lynn.

Didn't get a picture of Kelly-Lynn with her medal. Sorry KL.

Not too many action shots of Erin during the game, but...

when Erin was made goalie. Some great action shot of her jumping to touch the top bars. lol

Every time the ball came near the goal, she kicked it out. I think Teresa must have shouted at her 100 times "pick up the ball". It was pretty funny. Erin just kept kicking.

Proud with her medal.