Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sept 19, 2012 Marcel's 65th & Paul's 71st. Birthdays

Marcel and Paul had their birthdays one day apart, so we decided to celebrate together.
 Marcel's 65th and Paul's 71st. 

Everybody made a contribution.
Caesar Salad (Immy),  Chicken (Janice),  Rice (me) and a honking big cake brought by Herman.
Great fellowship and a fantastic meal.  Super idea you had Janice.

As usual, Janice made Marcel a beautiful home made card.

Now's the time to just relax and enjoy the retirement years.
To sit and wait for Government cheques to wipe away your fears.
We can tell by the picture on the front (renos at Kevin & Amy's house) It's what you intend to do.
But how on earth can you do that, with children needing you?
It's been a special year for you, as you and Alida travelled down under.
And Immy and Peter went with you, to enjoy this amazing wonder.
We're glad you decided to come back home, for everyone was missing you.
Waiting to give you your birthday wish,
Happy Birthday!  We love you!

Paul also received a card from Janice.  

The cake was so almost buckled on me!
If I had put 136 candles on there, it would have collapsed!  Or the house would burn down.
Marcel:  "And why didn't you serve this before supper?"

One huge candle each!

One candle is saver than 136.  Less chance of spit happening. lol 

The cake servings were enormous.  Even Peter could not eat it all.
The leftover cake went in the freezer for the Thanksgiving weekend.
We decided to celebrate Marcel's 65th with the children and grandchildren at Presquile for fall camping.
Never camped in the fall before.
Janice tried a couple of raisins!  
By the look of her pucker, we are not sure if the raisins will shower Peter!!
Sometimes it's better to sit beside a friend than across from them!

Janice and I showing the jar of happy juice. It's called "boerenjongens: Raisins soaked
in brandy. Gave a whole new meaning to birthday cake. Just sniffing it made Janice loopy!
Alida:  "Lean on me, if you've had raisins  I'll be your friend, to lean on."

Janice: "
 It looks more like you are leaning on me! You were just as looped as I was!
Greatest raisins I ever tasted!"

Next morning, Marcel's actual birthday, we saw this sign on the lawn.
We wondered all day who did it!
It was not till later that day when Herman and Amanda popped in and told us that they had been at our house at 11:30 pm the night before to put up the sign.  They waited and waited until all the lights were out. Finally tired of waiting, they walked up the driveway and put up this sign.
Thanks Herman and Amanda, that was so sweet.  

Marcel and his sister Carla.
Lots of company and phone calls the whole day long. 

1 comment:

  1. Ans Bosman: Happy birthday, Marcel!! Xx
    19 September at 16:05

    Janice Gabnai: Happy Birthday Boys! What a great picture of these two handsome fellows! Marcel is smiling!!
    19 September at 16:36

    Janice Gabnai: What a beautiful cake! Delicious! ... And those three raisins on top made it perfect! Love the candles!
    19 September at 16:41

    Amy Hoogstad: Sweet candles, Mom. LOL
    19 September at 16:58

    Peter Adrean Moelker: Hello young fellow, congrats again.
    19 September at 18:32

    Jim Dekker: Good times!
    19 September at 19:29

    Alec McVean: Any cake left???????
    19 September at 19:58

    Chrissy Gabnai Del Medico: What a great pic!!! Who made the cake. Beautiful!
    21 September at 07:57

    Alida Hoogstad: Cosco cake Chrissy.
    21 September at 08:54

    Janice Gabnai: What a delicious dinner it was! Alida's (or Herman's) terrific rice dish, Immy's perfect caesar salad, a great platter of veggies with dip and Janice's deep-fried chicken! The company was just as great as the meal!
    19 September at 16:39

    Ada Maas: Belated happy birthday,
    19 September at 18:32

    Sonya Bontius: Happy Birthday Uncle Marcel and Paul!!!
    19 September at 20:21

    Janice Gabnai: I meant Alida or Marcel's terrific rice dish. Must have been the raisins.
    21 September at 17:09

    Wendy Heimrich: Happy Birthday to Marcel.
    19 September at 16:45

    Nelly Fledderus: Happy Birthday Marcel.
    19 September at 16:56

    Martine Dal: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marcel
    19 September at 17:11

    Rita Hakkesteegt: happy birthday Marcel, many more to come
    19 September at 18:16

    Nellie Vanderlaan: Looks like I forgot something, HAPPY 65th. MARCEL.
    19 September at 19:06

    Alec McVean: Happy birthday Marcel. A young 65
    19 September at 19:56

    Carla VanReewyk: Happy Birthday Marcel!! Hope you had a great day :)
    19 September at 21:39

    Winnie Visser: Happy Birthday Marcel!!
    19 September at 22:06

    Mary Rance: Happy birthday Marcel, Chris and Hugh are here in their RV on their way South with a caravan, following the Mississippi down to New Orleans.They were just saying that they would love to come your way some year.
    19 September at 22:34

    Liz Lapierre: Happy Birthday Marcel. Hope you had a great day and year.
    19 September at 23:39

    Ingrid Kapteyn: Happy Birthday Macel!
    20 September at 18:36

    Ray Bruneau: Happy Birthday Marcel
    20 September at 20:29

    Janny Huizinga: Happy birthday Marcel! Have a wonderful trip next week.
    21 September at 09:41

    Janny Huizinga: What a fantastic picture!! Sorry, but I did not realized that it was your 65th birthday Marcel! Congratulations again.
    22 September at 20:29

    Louis Joseph DuBois: Happy Birthday to Marcel. Now officially an old man? Have a great time tonight .
    18 September at 12:32
