Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nov 27, 2010 Kale Dinner Fundraiser

Our youth put on their yearly kale dinner/auction/talent night as a fundraiser.
Great food and entertainment for everyone. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. They all worked very hard.

Nathan VanEgmond & Sonya DeWal making sure the bucket gets full.

Excellent dinner. Kale with sausages, buns & bacon bits. What could be better than that for all us dutchies?

Long lineup for the dinner. Lucky for us, our table was among the first to get the dinner, but the last for the dessert.

It was packed full of people. Great support for our youth.

Sara Kennedy, Jake Kuipers & Kaitlin Wikkerink.

The auction table goodies. I was fortunate enough to get the huge poinsettia. Looks awesome in my living room.

Brenda with her weekend baby. Parenting class.

Kelly-Lynn snuggling with her grandpa.

Delicious apple crisp and ice cream for dessert.
After dinner, the auction and talent show started. The MCs for the evening were Laura & Luke Snyder. The whole evening was a great hit. They raised $3000. Well done everyone, and a big thank you for all your hard work.

Maurice VanEgmond giving Erin a hug.

James & Arden Kroesbergen singing a beautiful song dedicated to lost friends and family.
Arden wrote the song.
More people participated in the talent show but the pictures did not turn out well. Awesome entertainment.

Had to sneak in this content squirrel. It takes the squirrels most of the winter to eat all the seeds off these two maples.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looks like a great turnout and lots of fun had by all! I love Erin's glasses!
    Let me know about this event next year!
