Two year old Jelayna, and her cousins one year old Kristen two year old Autumn.
Only took 158 pictures. Hard to stop when they are soooo cute.
I had such fun with them. They played great, ate well and pooped all day.
Autumn, Kristen & Jelayna.
My brother Herman popped in and we took the kids downstairs while we had our coffee.
Autumn on the horse I picked up at a silent auction.
Kristen is not sure how to put on this hat.
Almost got it!
Got it.
Oh oh, can someone help me?
That was such fun.
Autumn looking pretty cute with another hat on. She wouldn't stay still long enough for more kodak moments.

Jelayna's turn.

Is she angelic or what?
Jelayna almost fell over with all the weight around her neck. Too bad she wasn't wearing the hat anymore.
Time for lunch. Who else has 3 or more highchairs in their home? So surprised that they all came willingly upstairs to eat. They gobbled up whatever we fed them. They loved the fruit. I love giving little people fruit. Just ask my kids. Then send them home, and the parents suffer the consequences:)
After her (short) nap, more snacks. The kids ate half a box of Gold Fish crackers. But we won't tell their parents. They loved using all the dishes. Fishies were everywhere. lol
One needs to stretch after such a big meal followed by a bottle. (I think her shoes are on the wrong feet :)
They all figured out how to use it. Autumn loved the music.
And so did Jelayna. Probably a toy neither homes have.
Love the scrunchy face Jelayna makes.
Not difficult to get a smile from Kristen. All you do is point the camera at her and she gives you an adorable smile. Such a ham.
Autumn was doing circles around the dining room/kitchen. Each time I took pictures of her when she came flying around the corner. Captured a few cute ones.
This one is my favorite. Love Jelayna in the corner watching the action.
And how does this work??
The big red spot under her eye is from dropping a toy while laying on her back.
Posing for a last picture before going home. When Marianne came to pick up her two, I said to Autumn that I would miss her. She said. "I will come back" What a sweetie. Loved spending the day with these little ones. They were so adorable. Got a gorgeous poinsettia from Arlene & Marianne. Thank you so much. I love it.