Sara & Leah were at our house for 2 sleeps while Marc, Renee & Jeremy were in a hotel in Toronto for a Youth Pastor's Convention. Marcel & I left at 5:30 am on Friday to pick up the girls and arrived at 7:30 at the hotel to join them for breakfast. We fully expected to be treated to this yummy breakfast...but just after Marc left to attend the first seminar, Renee informed us that the wallet was in Marc's pocket. Nice planning Renee!!
As soon as we arrived at our house, the girls wanted to go tobogganing. They had no snow in Sarnia. Snow pants were luckily packed, but no boots. Their feet got pretty soaked.
Sara and Leah had a great run going to the driveway in no time.
A highlight at our house is an ATV ride. Sara and Grandpa ready for a trek in the back 40.
Leah made this large snow ball and insisted on keeping it. It ended up on the steps in the garage. Good thing she did not want to take it inside.
Leah's turn. The pink helmet belongs to Erin, and we asked her if we could borrow it. She told me it had flees inside. Teresa has been telling the girls never to share hats at school. We think that's where the idea came from.
Pretty little for such a huge machine. But they both loved it and wanted to go again.
Returning from a 15 minute ride.
Sara wanted to make her family, so that's what we did.
Mommy, Daddy, Sara, Jeremy (wearing a white bonnet) and Leah.
As soon as they came inside, it was
dress up time. Sara wore this all day, and when we sat down to dinner we noticed her scratching her arm. It was pretty red. She said "I have asthma on my arm". Pretty cute. Her rash was all over her body. Think it's the material or soap/fleecy. Quickly washed her down, and the next morning it was gone.
Helping with setting up the manger. Sara hanging the angel.
Leah, who also found a hat and skirt to wear all day, is putting the fnal touches on the manger.
Saturday morning Marcel and I were invited out for breakfast with about 10 friends. We dropped off the girls at the
Later that morning, I dropped off Sara to play with Arianna at her house. I took Aiden home to play with Leah.
It took about 1/2 hour for these two to get used to each other. After that they were the best of buddies.
Lunch time.
They loved the faces I made for them after they ate their sandwiches.
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Helping with the train set. |
Opa was down for the weekend for the Christmas party later that evening at John & Sonya's.
They never tire of the book "The Fat Cat".
Aiden was more than eager to ride on the ATV with his Uncle Marcel. He looks pretty cute with the pink helmet.
When the kids were done playing outside, I asked Aiden if he would like to play inside some more, or go home. His response: "I think I'm getting homesick". So, home he went.
In the evening we were invited to the Christmas party at John & Sonya's. Brenda was going to babysit. Sara made this list for Brenda. She put down her bed time as 8, but in fact it is 7.
Sunday morning we took the kids to church. We went straight to Toronto after the service to meet up with the rest of the family.
We arrived at Jennie's (my sister) house at 1:30 sharp. Marc, Renee & Jeremy arrived about 15 minutes later. It didn't take the girls long to show that they missed their little brother.
Snuggling with Jeremy.
On the way home we hit another snow storm near Oshawa. Marc & Renee also hit a huge snow storm, and made it as far as London. They came to a dead stop. It took them one hour to get to the 5k turnoff to Renee's parents. They stayed the night, and left the next morning just before the next snow storm hit London.