Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dec. 4, 2011 Witteveen Christmas Social/Singalong

Ike & Jennie Witteveen invited us for an evening of fun and carolling.

Herb Schwamn, Shirley Schmidt, Joan Warner & Clement Cozier.

Toni DenHollander, Joan Serson & Lois Elliott.

Joan Cozier & Sharon Rusk.
We had some new families. Name tags sure helped.

Toni & Joan.

Teresa Petrusma, Herb Schwamn & Shirley.

Ed Petrusma & Sherill Ouimette.
Wayne Rusk, John Warner & Eugene Serson.
Trying what to write down for the game we played.

The neighbors are complaining Ike!
We have to kick them all out!
Jane Dibbits, Gwenda Chambers & Alida  

Marcel & Adrian DenHollander.

Nellie Vanderlaan & Jane Dibbits.

Sherrill, Nellie & Jane.

Alida & Jennie Witteveen.
Offering me the last chocolate?

After we had some delicious food, the song sheets came out.
Jennie brought out a container of glasses for anyone who needed them. 

Teresa did an awesome job leading us all in singing. 

Ike looking just "plain cute".

Peter Dibbits, Rob de Lint & Ken Chambers.

Peter enjoying watching Ike lead the music. 

"Partridge in a Pear Tree".
Everyone had to bop up when their part came up.  A lot of fun.
The young fellow on the floor is Anthony Cozier.

Definitely was a fun-filled evening.

Lots of great food.  Everyone brought a dish.
We assigned Rene Schmidt to be our security guard after the neighbors started complaining.

After a refill of energy, we went back to singing. 
Definitely worked for Ike.

We finished off the evening with singing "Glory to God".  (Ere zij God)
Thank you so much Ike and Jennie for including us in this wonderful evening.
A wonderful way to start the Christmas Season.